
лучше быть, чем казаться
для Aliens: Colonial Marines выкатили 4-гиговый патч.

а могли бы сделать Director's Cut, да.

@темы: игроиндустрия, здоровье, Aliens: Colonial Marines, видеоигры

19.03.2013 в 14:33

¡Nadie espera a la Inquisición Española!
а что он хоть меняет?
19.03.2013 в 14:35

лучше быть, чем казаться

Addressed an issue that could sometimes cause co-op player revival to not work under certain circumstances.
Addressed issues with players not spawning into a level properly.
Fixed a marine player invincibility exploit.
Resolved several instances where players could walk or fall outside of maps.
Fixed an issue that could cause localized text to sometimes display incorrectly.
Addressed an issue where weapon ammunition was not always highlighted properly.
Addressed some issues where multiplayer / co-op clients could see interactive objects displayed in a different state.
Fixed a bug affecting voiceovers with the Firing Range bonus content.
Addressed an issue where Ripley's Flamethrower (bonus content) would sometimes fire continuously without player input.
Addressed a rare issue that could cause Achievements to not unlock properly.
General user interface improvements.
Miscellaneous bug fixes.


Addressed some issues that could cause improper warping for co-op players.
Various tweaks to address instances where NPC characters would not always properly navigate to objectives.
Added safeguards to prevent players from using a weapon in the weapons-suppressed portion of "One Bullet."
Modified Bella and Reid's behavior in "No Hope in Hadley's" to prevent them from spawning at the wrong point.


Fixed issues that could clients to report inaccurate results and statistics.
Addressed instances where a map would appear to "pop in" when loading into a new match.
Addressed an issue that was could cause stutter when opening the multiplayer scoreboard.
Switching profiles while in a lobby now returns players to the title screen immediately.
Multiplayer teams should now correctly auto-balance between rounds.
New Xeno appearance customization added.
19.03.2013 в 14:42

¡Nadie espera a la Inquisición Española!
Это багфиксы на пару килобайт, им бы основного экзешника хватило. нет, тут что-то поинтереснее

явно какие-то ассеты
19.03.2013 в 14:51

Я вчера о нем в твиттуре писал. (еще шутил, что такими темпами они всю игру с нуля переделают)
Гибз текст другого апдейта дал.
ах да, пруф: support.gearboxsoftware.com/entries/23137551-PC...

Improved texture resolution.
Various visual improvements.
Added mouse smoothing to options menu.
Fixed crashes tied to launch and motion tracker.
Added additional safeguards to better protect save data.
Resolved an issue where a player's level could sometimes appear incorrect when backing out of a party.
Addressed several scenarios under which players could spawn without a weapon.
Changes to better prevent audio from sometimes cutting out during end of mission cinematics.
Fixed issue where Xeno death animation was not properly calculating momentum of the killing blow.
Smart Gun animation now properly tracks targets.
Addressed some instances where Xenos would display erratic animations.
Increased light radius for player's shoulder lamp.
Adjusted aim assist to better reflect player input.
Addressed an issue that could sometimes cause co-op player revival to not work under certain circumstances.
Addressed issues with players not spawning into a level properly.
Fixed a marine player invincibility exploit.
Resolved several instances where players could walk or fall outside of maps.
Addressed an issue where Ripley’s Flamethrower (bonus content) would sometimes fire continuously without player input.
Fixed an issue that could cause localized text to sometimes display incorrectly.
Addressed an issue where weapon ammunition was not always highlighted properly.
General user interface improvements.
Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Tweaked enemy and friendly AI to be more aggressive and responsive.
Modified campaign difficulty to account for improved AI responsiveness.
Improved enemy collision detection regarding doors and Power Loader.
Addressed some issues that could cause improper warping for co-op players.
Various tweaks to address instances where NPC characters would not always properly navigate to objectives.
Players will no longer bleed out immediately when downed in a Power Loader.

Fixed issues that could cause clients to report inaccurate results and statistics.
Addressed instances where a map would appear to “pop in” when loading into a new match.
New Xeno appearance customization added.
Multiplayer teams should now correctly auto-balance between rounds.
Increased duration of Lurker Pounce Challenge “Cat-Like Reflexes” from 10 to 20 seconds.
Fixed issue where certain multiplayer challenges would not unlock properly for all characters.
Crusher pick-ups now correctly appear as highlighted for clients.

19.03.2013 в 14:56

¡Nadie espera a la Inquisición Española!
Improved texture resolution.
а, ок
19.03.2013 в 15:07

Пока я рядом,смерть вас не побеспокоит...
а у меня только 11 Мб скачал патч :lol:
и да. предупреждая кучи говн в мою сторону по теме "ебать ты лох, купил это дерьмо" - не покупал, выиграл на gamer.ru
19.03.2013 в 15:09

лучше быть, чем казаться
выиграл на gamer.ru
поэтому тебе халявщику и дали только 11 метров )))))))
19.03.2013 в 15:11

Пока я рядом,смерть вас не побеспокоит...
чёрт! точно!) и как я не подумал) ну и хрен с ними) игру ничего не спасёт, а зайти пострелять уродливых инопланетян и нынешняя графа позволяет)
19.03.2013 в 15:15

лучше быть, чем казаться
про ИИ, главное ни слова...
19.03.2013 в 15:18

Mystic, апдейт выкатят в районе полудня по америке = ближе к ночи у нас. + я не знаю, как там дела обстоят с русской версией - может 1с придется также перерисовывать тексты на текстурах, если оные есть.

gibz, Tweaked enemy and friendly AI to be more aggressive and responsive.
Modified campaign difficulty to account for improved AI responsiveness.

Это канешн не то, чего бы многим хотелось видеть, но тем не менее про ИИ что-то есть =\
19.03.2013 в 15:27

лучше быть, чем казаться
о, AI таки упомянут! молодец, доглядел!
19.03.2013 в 15:35

Любовь - это дофаминэргическая целеполагающая мотивация к формированию парных связей
Такие же патчики выходили на Тотал Вор, второго Кризиса и т.д. Сплошной апгрейд текстур, агась.
21.03.2013 в 12:55

Пока я рядом,смерть вас не побеспокоит...
Spoon-kun, так патчика и не было
21.03.2013 в 12:56

лучше быть, чем казаться
чо то я не удивлен