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eurogamer.net пишет про Аллоды Онлайн грустное:
This game's budget of $12 million (the largest in the history of Russian games development) covered everything, from visuals to music to ideas to writing to the technical side of things, making this not just the most competent free MMORPG in existence, but the biggest free game I've ever played. The only thing the developers of Allods didn't quite execute with the same skill, the one thing they forget to sink money into (and this is pretty critical if you're designing a game) is... the game.
Allods' polished structure alone nudges you through the earliest levels. You're bumping up stats, slotting items into all those different equipment slots, getting skills, talents, professions, teleportation crystals, potions, confetti, hats and so on, and it's impossible to tell what's superficial and what's not. A dozen hours later, all of it seems superficial, even the stuff which isn't.
You have all these stats and items, but you so rarely get a feel that they're changing combat. You have seven or eight different powers, but you use them in the same order for every fight. You're amassing vendor trash and levelling your crafting profession, but nothing has a sense of worth. This game is a million miles away from WOW's beautiful feeling of progress - that sense that you're growing as a warrior and amassing hard cash.
This game's budget of $12 million (the largest in the history of Russian games development) covered everything, from visuals to music to ideas to writing to the technical side of things, making this not just the most competent free MMORPG in existence, but the biggest free game I've ever played. The only thing the developers of Allods didn't quite execute with the same skill, the one thing they forget to sink money into (and this is pretty critical if you're designing a game) is... the game.
Allods' polished structure alone nudges you through the earliest levels. You're bumping up stats, slotting items into all those different equipment slots, getting skills, talents, professions, teleportation crystals, potions, confetti, hats and so on, and it's impossible to tell what's superficial and what's not. A dozen hours later, all of it seems superficial, even the stuff which isn't.
You have all these stats and items, but you so rarely get a feel that they're changing combat. You have seven or eight different powers, but you use them in the same order for every fight. You're amassing vendor trash and levelling your crafting profession, but nothing has a sense of worth. This game is a million miles away from WOW's beautiful feeling of progress - that sense that you're growing as a warrior and amassing hard cash.
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